How To Make Money On Instagram

February 15, 2021 by Vít Vonka
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Instagram is one of the biggest social media platforms with over 1,200 million active users. The platform attracts new creatives every day, and the times, when it was mainly a platform for photographers had long since passed.

Instagram also has many content creators that earn thousands from their content. However, monetization is trickier than on other platforms, and you could stay without earning even on high followers account.

So, which are the best ways to make Instagram profitable? Some actions will be known to you, but others will surprise you. 

Table of Content:


  • Own Products
  • Second Hand


  • Crowdfunding
  • Affiliate Marketing


  • Brand
  • Merchants

Find & Stick

Before we start, I want to point out essential information. Almost all prominent channels, of course, there are some exceptions, post their stuff in their pond.

Simply said, find your craft, art, niche, and stick with it. Make your brand and posts recognizable and a bit original, and your numbers will grow faster.

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“Fastest way to make money on Instagram” is the most attractive sentence for rookies. You can achieve this goal and make money very quickly. However, not as you imagine.

Own Products

As an entrepreneur, you can have zero followers and still have revenue from Instagram. How? Instagram Ads. You just need to create a Business profile and then spent money on advertising through posts and stories. 

Besides classic TV ads or billboards, advertising on Instagram is very cheap, and even small businesses should try this option. Because if you hit the right time for the right product, revenue just pours in.

Second Hand

A simple technique where you transfer part of your audience from another platform. This is a kind of cheating, and you are probably searching for methods that will help you build an audience on Instagram.

Nonetheless, I think it is much easier to start your career on more rookies-friendly platforms like YouTube or Tiktok and then refer your audience to Instagram.

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Let us put aside entrepreneurs and people who already built an audience on a different platform. The Golden-mean section is for those who have a small, however strong fanbase from 1,000 to 10,000 followers.


A method of funding oneself or projects, which has gained popularity in recent years. The premise is simple.

As a content creator who wants to fund his creation as a whole, you can sign up to sites like Patreon, Buymeacoffee, or Tribe and let your audience contribute at will. This method works best for creators with a strong fanbase.

Or you can fund one of your projects, for example, a game, movie, or product. For this type of crowdfunding are platforms like Kickstarter or IndieGoGo. Here you have to have a good idea with a believable result.

Affiliate Marketing

You can find this type of marketing across the internet and all platforms. Affiliate marketing is relatively easy to do and can generate decent amounts.

I have to point out that affiliate marketing suits only some types of Instagram profiles, mainly business ones. If you are focusing on paintings or professional photography, it is likely to interfere with your content.

First of all, create profiles on affiliate-friendly websites like Amazon or Fiverr. Then generate special links and attach them to your posts and stories.

Reminder: do not overdo it. People dislike intrusive ads, and if your profile is full of them, they will leave.

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The best solution. These sources of funds are hard to build. Nonetheless, they will last and earn more than all the previous options.


Building a solid brand is work for life. Instagram is the great entrance gate to your brand’s promotion, and it will definitely help you raise income.

Outstanding achievement is 10,000 followers, which should be your first goal. This amount will unlock the “Swipe Up” feature for stories where you can put your product website.

Another “checkpoint” you should be interested in is a verification of your profile. This feature is only for famous and prominent members, and it will bring you many benefits, for example, better visibility.

Reminder: Take time and build your brand on Instagram with patience. Post only things that fit your brand. Only this path will guarantee the desired fruit.


For larger influencers and content creators, the best source of funds. When you are big enough, which is hard to do the right way, brands will find you and offer you collaborations for nice sums.

Nonetheless, as always, these cooperations should fit your brand, and you should keep them low. Because when every post is an ad, you will lose your sovereignty.

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Finish line

Money in the first place is always the wrong attitude. You should follow your niche and never forget that your fans give you follow to see your work, not a marketing page.

Besides the attitude, combine everything that makes sense to you, and I believe you will create a successful brand with tremendous income. Good luck!