How To Keep Your YouTube Channel Running And Avoid Demonetization

January 6, 2021 by Vít Vonka
Youtube monetization logo with yellow dollars background

Nowadays demonetization is lurking on creators at every corner. One mistake can cost you video demonetization and in the worse case a strike on your channel which can cost your whole YouTube career.

Nonetheless, if you are reading this article you probably know all these things. Today we are giving you some advice on which content is worth adjusting and what topics are better to avoid.

Table of Contents:

  1. How It All Began
  2. What You Can Do About It
  3. Alternatives
Vintage picture showing Youtube history and books

How It All Began

Back in 2017 to the year known as the end of the golden era on YouTube. That year started several cases mainly directed against back then most subscribed channel and creator PewDiePie. I do not want to run into detail. However, most of the acquisitions aimed against Felix was proven false.

Pewdiepie most famous picture

Nonetheless, that did not stop major brands like Pepsi, Disney, or Lego from withdrawing their ads from the platform, which led YouTube to implement stricter conditions, which led to demonetization, which led to the creation of an automatic demonetizing algorithm.

representation of algorithm

Here is the main problem because the algorithm can not recognize sarcasm, satire, or some types of art forms and have many other gaps in understanding. 

It came to a point where nobody knows what they can and cannot do. Time passed, and now we are in 2021. The restrictions are still very unclear, and you can still get YouTube demonetization for a trifle.

Thinking about Youtube green dollar

What You Can Do About It

So, what could you do to bypass YouTube demonetization? The answer will not please you because it is very unclear. In theory, if you want to stay monetized, you have to follow YouTube terms and restrictions and stay out of:

  • Harmful or dangerous acts
  • Shocking content
  • Pornography
  • Hate speech
  • Tobacco-related content
  • Firearms-related content
  • Adult themes in family content
  • Radical political actions and opinions  
  • Controversial issues and sensitive events
  • Terrosism

However, you may still fall between demonetized YouTubers because the algorithm can evaluate your video inappropriately due to thumbnail or other minority aspects. On TOP of that, you can be demonetized for topics like coronavirus.

What now popular call from night talk show

Your best bet remains content without any controversy, which can be challenging if you are doing videos for adults. 

Topics least affected by demonetization:

  • Kids Content
  • Product Reviews
  • Pure Gameplays
  • Unboxings
  • DIY Content
  • Documentary Content
Hard and easy path of Youtube monetization and alternatives


YouTube content can be monetized in many ways outside of YouTube Ads. It is better to use this platform more like a mediator or marketing platform if you want to make some money in modern days. 

Here are the best five alternatives:

Patron Platforms

The best option for smaller channels with a strong fanbase. Patron platforms work on small monthly amounts contributed by your members. As a creator, you give these members premium content, rewards, or your bonus time in return.

Among the most famous patron platforms belongs to Patreon, Buymeacoffee, and Flattr. The first two are very similar to classic social media like Facebook. They have a home page where you can post content, direct messages from fans, and profiles with a photo and short CV. Flattr is on the other side platform only on donations. 

Brand Cooperation

Advertising is a great way to monetize your content. Besides YouTube Ads, you can cooperate with many brands on your own and add their ads right into your video. Some brands are even careless about your content.

This option is more suitable for larger channels. However, long term cooperation with brands is one of the best monetization techniques you can achieve.  

Affiliate Marketing

Often overlooked option. Affiliate marketing fits only some types of videos and content. It is mainly used by product reviewing channels or unboxing channels.

It works very simply. You need to get affiliate links from the online stores, supporting affiliate marketing like Amazon, Microsoft, or Apple iTunes. Most of them require you to sign up for a special account, then generate a link and paste it under your video. People who click on that link and buy something will earn you a share of the sale. 


Another popular form of monetization, primarily among one-man channels. Merchandise can be pleasant diversification of your content, especially when it is done creatively. However, you should only produce as much as you know, you will sell. Trust me; there is nothing more frustrating than stock full of your unsold merch.

Own Platform

The last alternative to YouTube Ads is simply a whole new platform, designed and ruled by you. This could sound like a foolish idea. Nonetheless, there are plenty of examples that prove that the own platform option works.

For example, a YouTube channel called Proko shares on YouTube only excerpts from instructional videos. To get full-access, you have to sign in to his website and buy full courses.

Boiled Down

Rely financially on YouTube Ads is madness in 2021. However, if you want to eliminate demonetization as much as possible, stay out of any conflicts, cases, and controversy.

The best option in our perspective is to use YouTube as a marketing platform for your content and earn money from other sources.